After School club is open until 5.30pm. Holiday club hours are 8.30am till 4.30pm.
After School Club move into Base 16
Portalkids have moved within school to base 16. Everything about the after school club remains the same except for the room. We now have access to a fenced safe outdoor area from our room. This allows us to have children both inside and outside at the same time. We think the children will enjoy this flexibility.
To collect children, you no longer need to go onto the playground. Instead, follow the drive access road to its end (at the back of the school). You will come to a fence, with a gate to your left. Beside the gate on the wall is an intercom. Use this to let us know you are here. Please do not push the gate.
Holiday club base
Holiday club will use base 16 and the school hall. This gives us a lot of flexibility over space. When dropping off children, please check the hall first. If we are in there, usually the door will be open ready for you, but if not, please just knock. The hall door is the first doors you come to opposite the car park.
If we are not in the hall, please continue on this side of the building to the end where there is a fence. Here you will find an intercom next to a gate. Please do not push the gate.